Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tiny House Blog

I've set up a new blog to chronicle the construction of my tiny house it's here

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bits and Pieces

The kitchen drawers are done! We used some of the left over tongue and groove from the ceiling. Knobs are from Target.

And dad made me this awesome cabinet for my bathroom. It fits perfectly into the tiny space between the shower and wall. I think I will be getting some more baskets for my stuff though. I don't like having products sitting out loose. Looks sloppy to me.

I've been in and settled for over a week now and I love it! The recent snow makes me feel like a squirrel in a nest.

Friday, November 23, 2012



Since library ladders are so ridiculously expensive we decided to make one instead. It has 2 sets of hooks the big ones on the outside are for when its 'down' and a smaller set on the inside to hook it up and out of the way. I think it turned out really well. Take a look!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Move In Day

...was last Wednesday! I've been super busy since then. But I have to say, it's fabulous. So peaceful!

My bed is moved in with my new duvet so comfy!

And On Saturday at our Theft of Swords book club at Gwen's the girls surprised me with the coolest present ever. No kidding! Sonic screwdriver remote control. So awesome!!! My tv isn't hooked up so I can't program it for that yet but I did program it to control my heater and since it has 3 memory banks I can add the tv later.

And on Thursday Spangrud surprised me with a super cool TARDIS decal for my door.

My house is so perfect.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


And the closets are done! It's REALLY hard to take pictures in the house because its so little, but I think the one of the couch is pretty good.

And notice the drapes are tied up? They are done! I might add some interest in the corners where the hook up but for now they are functional and cute.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Window Treatments

They're not really done yet but will only take a few minutes to put the dowels in and finish them up. I have a fabulous idea for how to tie them up during the day.

Dad put up the ladder rail today. It's a repurposed handle from a commercial glass door and it looks awesome!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The list of Things To Do Before I Move In just got a little shorter today.

The water and propane are hooked up!

AND the kitchen cupboards and the shelf for the microwave are done. All that is left to do in the kitchen is the drawers.

After that all we need is the loft ladder and a little finishing up in the closets. And to hang the window treatments and reupholster the couch, then I'm good to go, should be moved in by next week, whoo hoo!